About Me

Hello. My name is Kriselle. I am a Registered Nurse and Certified Pediatric Nurse. In 2024, I took the next step to become a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant through the Center for Pediatric Sleep Management, so I can help families like yours become confident and empowered to help your children sleep.

After becoming a mom in 2019, I became obsessed with my daughter’s sleep schedule. I was constantly researching how to help her sleep better and analyzing if she was getting enough sleep. I wanted to learn everything there was to know about infant sleep. I knew if she was able to learn how to fall asleep independently, it would lead to good quality sleep for everyone. As a breastfeeding night shift nurse, I also didn’t want my husband to struggle being up in the middle of the night with a baby who was already refusing every bottle out there. All to say, she was sleeping through the night at 5 months and it really made our lives better. I thought, “Wow, this has made a significant difference and I want to help other families achieve this success.” I went on to have another daughter in 2022, who learned solid healthy sleep habits from the start. She, too, was sleeping through the night by 5 months.

Start your adventure
to sleep today.