Dream Big and Sleep Well with Miss Kriselle

Step 1:

Book a Discovery Call today and discuss with Miss Kriselle what is going on at home, how she can help you, and what it would be like if you were to work together to address your child’s sleep challenges.

Step 2:

Once you’ve hired Miss Kriselle, you’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire so she can develop a comprehensive, step-by-step sleep plan. You’ll schedule a phone call to discuss the plan and ask any follow up questions.

Step 3:

Miss Kriselle will provide 1:1 coaching and support for two weeks. She will keep you accountable to stay on track once the plan is implemented to help your child make consistent sleep progress.

Feel Confident and Empowered.

It is essential that you’re fully prepared before making this investment. Miss Kriselle’s goal is for your family to become well-rested while meeting your child’s needs and respecting your parenting style and choices. Ultimately, Miss Kriselle wants to enhance your confidence in managing your child’s sleep or whatever your desired outcome may be.

Always Remember:

You are NOT alone. You are NOT a bad parent. It is NOT selfish to teach babies and children the lifelong skill of falling asleep independently because it is a valuable gift that is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Laying a solid, healthy sleep foundation for your child is best when you start early to set everyone up for success.
